Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sharing is Caring.

Writing can at times be therapeutic to me... Like now for instance, it's exactly 2:30am and I don't think I'll be shutting my eyes any time soon - as much as I'd like to. 
 It's times like these that I remember my 'calma' music playlist. A very random mix of songs that just calm my energy, just what I need. Now playing: Stickwitu ~ Pussycat Dolls, hahaha. Never was much a fan of them, but this song has always been a favorite. 
 I'd love to be able to share and connect with all who are out there more, be it youtube, twitter, this blog.. I don't need a 'fanbase' or any popularity status from it, but just knowing that I could positively instruct, encourage, help strengthen and support others, just connect with others, that's what I want this all to grow into. A positive place to visit when you're feeling down, or can't sleep ;) Help me turn this dream into a reality? I think it's crazy important we never forget our dreams and desires, what makes you want to live life to the fullest? 

I send love, hugs, blessings and hope your way (a goodnight's sleep, too!) 
~ Sara 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Be who you're made to be.

(As a Christian) 
 Just because we believe our destiny 
isn't of this world, does not mean our time is just for passing by and not enjoying it. 
We have dreams placed in our hearts for reasons. We were made to enjoy what is around us. Let us not take for granted what we're capable of here, now.

 Go out today and move forward on your dreams, be it music/entertainment, teaching/leading, entrepreneurship or encouragement of others, whatever God has placed in you heart. 

 Don't waste what you were made to do, who you are made to be.

 We are who we are for a reason, and no one does you - better than you.

Love & encouragement to you all,
Sara :)

Looking forward to some savings!

One of my favorite types of videos on YouTube is those of 'extreme coupon-ing' (so to speak). Not so much like that tv show - but more of a realistic approach to how useful coupons can be! Some of my favorite gurus for this are DealLovingDiva and GlamLifeGuru. Both wonderful and beautiful ladies who continue to impress and inspire me with their mad coupon skills! I'm so excited to return to the states and start my own couponing adventures, blog posts and videos included!
Any money saving tips you love, or gurus you follow? Let me know in the comments!

Links to my favorite money saving beauty gurus' channels:
(funny how their user names are so similar!)

DealLovingDiva -
GlamLifeGuru -

Happy savings ;)
Thank you for reading and hope you have a truly wonderful day,

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Do you ever have those kind of days when you just need to take a break from 'life' and have more fun with makeup than a normal day? Somedays for me, it's a darker smudged liner to go with a slightly put-off mood. 
Any way that you change up your makeup depending on the day/mood? Tell me in the comments below, I'd love to hear it. 

I try not to 'encourage' any downer mood of mine, or anyone's, but I don't believe in living a facade, that is - a false front. We always have the choice. Choose to be happy or choose to surrender negativity just because we woke on the wrong side of the bed, are letting things in life drag us down. 
we can choose to take control of how we feel, kick those bad moods in their rear-ends and out the door!
Sure, I love 'wallowing' and doing a bit more dramatic look with my make up. But by the time I've done up my eyes as such, I look at myself in the mirror and am able to laugh at my own reflection. I started from a bad place and spent that extra time with some 'makeup therapy' getting out my anger in my makeup, and now it's time to move forward - I kinda feel like a rebel. Got my smokey eyes and a kick-butt attitude to match, but that doesn't mean I have to still be in a negative place.  

The day is mine, ours, YOURS to conquer. 
Go make the best of it. 

~ Sara

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Moisturizing scrub-love!

My skin and I had quite a fight in October and it decided to peel like none other! I needed an abrasive scrub that WOULDN'T contribute to the massive dryness, and fast! No better solution than one I didn't have to buy, took about 10 seconds for me to make and was natural!
What I'm talking about is the ever simple and classic olive oil and sugar scrub. 

What makes it so great? 
The vitamin E in olive oil is an antioxidant, it's super moisturizing and from nature! I suggest using (cold pressed) extra-virgin olive oil for the most benefits. The sugar (I simply used normal white refined granulated sugar) works as a fairly abrasive exfoliant to slosh off those dead skin cells, but without being overly harsh. 

**How to make your own scrub** 
I always make enough for one use and still have enough to scrub my face and hands with just this!

*1 teaspoon granulated sugar
*1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil

Combine in a small bowl.  -- and that's it! (picture below shown before I mixed them)

To use: I like to use this in the shower, as my last task, allowing the steam to really open up my pores beforehand. 
Simply apply and scrub, the sugar tends to melt into the oil as you scrub, so when the sugar's gone, you're done! I do believe it's best to cleanse your skin afterwards, especially oily or acne prone skin types. 

I hope you try this out for yourself and find it helpful!
Join&follow this blog for many more informational posts to come :D

Thank you so much for reading,

*twitter* let's chat!!/HappyHeart907

youtube fanatics unite!